Thursday, May 23, 2019

Are You Worried?

2015.....IT LOOKS LIKE 2015 was the last time I wrote on this blog, or wrote on any blog for that matter.  Work and life got crazy and I changed jobs so the blog went on the back burner, but after coming across it the other day, it got me thinking....What’s changed since 2015 and what am I worried about today that I wasn’t worried about in 2015 and how am I handling that worry??

What’s going on in 2019?  Well, a lot....

Amazon has essentially taken over the entire retail world annihilating everyone in their way.  Feeling the impending doom, Walmart paid a couple billion dollars to get one of Amazon’s original geniuses so for now, they’re holding their own but everyone else is trying to find a solution to stop their dominance.  Last year they finally stepped into my world by acquiring an online pharmacy which brought it a little too close to home for me. :(. And then last week Walmart launched their very own brand new online pet pharmacy.  Ugh, that scares me a little.

Everyone and I mean everyone has their head buried in their cell phone.  From grandmas to 3 year olds, the tech companies have discovered how to get us all hooked, myself included.  I read a great book recently called DIGITAL MINIMALISM by Cal Newport that really brought this to life for me. What are we losing by spending hours a day staring at our little screens?  We really don’t use a computer much anymore as we can do everything on our phones.  In fact, this is the first time I’ve written a blog post on my cell phone.

Are blogs even cool anymore?  Today we really don’t have the time or patience to read.  Today it’s all about everyone making their own videos. I’m sticking with the blog as videos aren’t really my thing.  I was a guest on a podcast recently which was kinda cool, but I’m sticking with blogs I think.

Every business and industry is so darn competitive anymore.  Part of it goes back to Amazon, but every business is obsessed with productivity and the numbers.  I was talking to my doctor at a check-up the other day and he’s like, ‘Yah, it’s not about helping the patients, it’s anout how many we can run through here every day.  Craziness....  And automation... are there going to be jobs in the future?  I read an article today about how an AI system was more accurate at diagnosing cancer from images than radiologists!!  That’s a little scary!  How can I stay prepared for this?

This small list doesn’t even touch on everything else that worries me like the kids growing up, What Devans future is going to look like? , etc.....  And what about all the BIG stuff worldwide going on in Haiti and other third world countries.  I worry then I feel guilty about being worried when I put some of these bigger things in perspective.  Worrying is exhausting!!!

So what are you worried about in 2019??

When I start worrying, I often try to go back to a few simple things that I’ve learned along the way to help me remember that I really don’t have all that much control and that I really don’t need to worry.

Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4: 6-7

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.  The Serenity Prayer

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